Color Analysis

Think of color analysis as your Secret Weapon…

At your most basic level, your hair, skin, and eyes are naturally in harmony. Your look only becomes disharmonious when you start coloring your hair, applying makeup, and wearing colors that are not in tune with your body’s natural color palette. The goal of personal color analysis is to determine which palette of colors is most harmonious with your natural coloring. Once you are armed with that information we can help you adjust your hair color, your makeup, and your clothing choices to be perfectly in tune with your natural palette.

Did you know that wearing disharmonious colors can change how your face looks? Certain colors can make you look less defined, pale, red, tired or mad, or can overwhelm you.

When you are wearing your most flattering colors you will appear more healthy, confident, stronger, more relaxed, and more attractive. Color Analysis is key to fine-tuning your look.

The c/r Style team is certified in the Sci\ART System of color analysis. Our method of color analysis is precise and in-depth. We use a fabric draping method to determine which colors are your most inherently beautiful. The draping is done in person (with two analysts present and engaged with the client) and typically takes about an hour and a half to complete. After we complete the analysis we spend time discussing the application of the color analysis with each client. This means we educate you about how to use the palette, discuss the psychology of color as it relates, and how to harness the power of color in the wardrobe and as a brand.

Color Analysis is one of the foundational pieces for all of our clients.

Beauty will always present itself as one unified whole.
— Kathryn Kalisz, Founder of Sci\ART

10 Benefits of Color Analysis:

  1. Declutter your wardrobe

  2. Shopping is more targeted and efficient

  3. Save money (fewer color mistakes)

  4. Getting dressed is quicker and easier with coordinating colors

  5. Look stronger and more beautiful

  6. Understanding of your best makeup colors

  7. Ability to tune your hair to your natural palette

  8. Monochromatic looks that really work

  9. Decorate your home in your best colors

  10. Feel “at home” in your own skin